Many families do save for college but do not do it correctly for a variety of reasons. One is that they don’t save enough for the appropriate school that the child deserves to attend (private schools). They underestimate the true cost of education. Another mistake, saving the wrong way, a general savings account. Parents should […]
Continue reading...Private Scholarships Are Not Worth It
The private scholarship decision is real consideration to many students every year. We know from 25 years of experience the student does not come out ahead. There are things you can do to prevent this from happening. If you are dealing with this situation, contact our office for more information. Private Scholarships — A Billion-Dollar […]
Continue reading...The Future Of FAFSA Financial Aid
Apparently there is a move to reduce the size of the FAFSA to a postcard. I do not see this happening. However, if it does, colleges who now require only the FAFSA will create their own financial aid form or utilize the CSS Profile which will ask for more personal information than the FAFSA which […]
Continue reading...Appealing College Financial Aid Awards
This article and video we found on CNBC does not mention the fact that a family can appeal or negotiate for a better college financial aid award in many cases. Unfortunately parents who learn that they can appeal don’t know how or when to do so. With over 24 years of experience and assisting thousands […]
Continue reading...We Review Grant & Scholarships Offers
It’s that time of year. Over the last two weeks excited students have started to receive their financial aid offers from colleges that they may want to attend. Unfortunately, for many students the excitement is short-lived. The reason, many of the awards are not generous and are not meeting the majority of the need in […]
Continue reading...After The College Acceptance Letter
The USA Today article makes 5 good points. The first one is #1 on our list of 12 Things You Have To Do Before Going Off To College. Students should always check on the status of their FAFSA and or Profile online and call your school’s financial aid office to ensure their loans, grants or […]
Continue reading...College Financial Aid Bait & Switch
Many colleges who play the bait and switch game claim that they don’t. I am not going to name names here, however our clients who pursue colleges that do will know. With our 24 years of experience, we know what to expect from the majority of major colleges in the US especially what they can […]
Continue reading...2015 College Financial Aid FAFSA & the CSS Profile Deadline Is Approaching
Many families have yet to file their financial aid forms. A crucial deadline is approaching. For numerous colleges, February 15th is the deadline for FAFSA & the CSS Profile. Every year at this time, parents come to us to review their forms. Historically in 95% of our reviews, we find a minimum of 3 mistakes […]
Continue reading...Smart Financial Aid Planning Starts Now
The process of filing for financial aid as already begun. Like their taxes, parents should seek out an expert to insure that their financial aid forms are correctly submitted. Year after year we have families that contact us and request a review of their submitted forms. On average, we find a minimum of 3-5 mistakes […]
Continue reading...Everyone Should File FAFSA For College Financial Aid
The writer is right on regarding FAFSA. Everyone should file it. In some cases it will stimulate unexpected sources of aid. However the article makes no mention of other financial aid forms that would be required by many schools. The CSS Profile and the college’s own institutional form. Families should never miss the college(s) deadline. […]
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