Here are some new 2016 FAFSA financial aid changes you need to be aware of. Families can now file the FAFSA as early as October 1st 2016 for the 2017-18 academic year using the “prior-prior” tax information. So next year, students will file two FAFSAs using 2015 tax information. In addition, The College Board is also on board (pun intended) with the new date pertaining to the CSS Profile which is required at many private colleges. There are a couple of things to note here.
One is that the new change may not benefit some families and two, families need to know that different colleges will have different deadlines for both FAFSA and Profile.
In addition, families should never go by the Federal deadline for the FAFSA which is June 30 2017. If they do, they will miss out on the good aid.
If you would like more information and clarification on these changes, please contact our office.