Why Hire A college financial aid consultant in 2018? Now that the new year has now arrived and many families are in the process of filing their FAFSAs and CSS Profiles to obtain financial aid it motivates me to opine on one of my favorite topics.
Occasionally as college financial aid consultant, I am asked, why should I retain you when I can do it on my own or get help from the high school? My answer is always the same. Yes, you can do it on your own. However, what results do you want in your attempt to obtain more free money? Average or optimum? For example, the majority of CSS Profiles and FAFSAs that I review for parents will find mistakes they have made. Another example, how will the family know if the initial financial aid offer is a fair one? FYI, many are not.
If the bottom line is if the cost of college is a factor for your family, you need an expert. It is common sense here. The family is left at the mercy of two people in the process, the high school guidance person (who is not an expert about anything regarding financial aid) and the college. If would like more common sense advice regarding how to approach the financial aid process and make it work for you, contact our office.